I Love NDIS Logo
Putting hearts first

Discover compassionate and personalised care for individuals with disabilities across Western Sydney at Divine Care Australia, where our ethos of empathy drives every interaction and decision.

Cartoon icon of world with love heart rising up in sun


Cartoon of speech bubbles with love hearts inside


Rainbow with love heart


Megaphone with love heart in speech bubble


Personalised Disability Care in Western Sydney

Empathetic support for every step

At Divine Care Australia, we redefine disability care by putting empathy at the forefront of everything we do. Serving the entirety of Western Sydney, our mission is rooted in over two decades of firsthand experience as parents caring for our disabled daughter.

Our commitment goes beyond just meeting the needs of our participants, we strive to understand and share their feelings, respect their dignity and choices, and patiently support them on their unique journey. At Divine Care Australia, we’re not just caregivers, we’re advocates, companions, and partners in progress, dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives.

Support worker smiling at the camera with two happy NDIS participants
Happy woman with disability smiling at camera
NDIS Services

Supportive personalised care

Divine Care Australia is transforming the landscape of disability support services in Western Sydney, offering tailored care solutions to empower individuals and nurture independence.

Personal In-Home Care

Our dedicated caregivers provide personalised support in the comfort of your own home, ensuring your needs are met with compassion and professionalism.

Group and Centre Based Activities

Engage in a variety of stimulating activities and social interactions tailored to your interests and abilities at our welcoming centres.

Community Access

Explore and enthusiastically participate in community events, outings, and recreational activities with our dedicated and supportive staff by your side.

Travel and Transport

Enjoy hassle-free transportation to appointments, outings, and daily activities, allowing you to maintain independence and freedom of movement.

Allied Health Services

Access a comprehensive range of allied health professionals, including therapists and specialists, to address your unique healthcare needs.

Support Coordination

Let our experienced coordinators navigate the complexities of the NDIS system and connect you with the services and resources you require to achieve your goals.


Indulge in a thoroughly deserved respite while your beloved family member receives quality care and tailored support in a secure and nurturing environment.

Specialist Disability Accomodation

Experience comfort, accessibility, and independence in our specially designed accommodations tailored to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Happy participant smiling at camera
Divine Care Ability smiling happily at camera with happy woman with disability
Empowering Individuals with Disabilities

Your journey, our commitment

We understand that navigating the complexities of disability support can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to provide quality support every step of the way. Our team is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities to live life to the fullest by offering personalised care, advocacy, and access to a wide range of services.

Whether you’re seeking in-home assistance, community engagement opportunities, or specialist accommodation, we’re dedicated to tailoring our support to meet your unique needs. With Divine Care Australia, you’re not alone – we’re here to support you on your journey towards independence and fulfilment.

Testimonials from Our Community

Inspiring stories

Ready to get started?

Take the next step towards enhanced support

Start on your path to comprehensive support and empowerment today by reaching out to Divine Care Australia. Your journey towards a brighter future starts here.